Monday, October 4, 2010

Quick Update + National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior Survey launched!

I am alive; Angel won the primary about 2 weeks ago; I have been actively volunteering with the CSPH; I had almost forgotten how much work being a full-time student is; I am not retaking the LSAT; I am going to take at least a year in-between undergrad and law school; I think having real law experience is far more valuable than having a high GPA.

Also!  Today, the Center for Sexual Health Promotion published the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior Survey.  This is a big deal, as the last time we've had a solid count of sexuality in America was in 1990, with the National Health and Social Life Survey.  The book "Sex in America" resulted from this study, and some problematic conclusions did as well, including extensions of already-existing social constructions of gender. 

BUT ANYWAY.  Read the summary of the report, it's exciting.  Condom use has increased, especially among Hispanic and black Americans, though it still has a ways to go.  Also, way to go, people, for acting outside of the normative categorizations of sexual orientations and skewing the results of what this means in a social context.  America can be pretty cool sometimes.