Saturday, June 26, 2010

Good News and Bad News

The good news is, I went to the intern breakfast for the Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health yesterday, and it was awesome.  I met three of the other interns, and they seem great.  I'm really excited to be working with them, and I think our skills complement each others' in a great way.  Also, Megan, as usual, is fantastic, and I'm glad I'll be working with someone who is as passionate about sex ed and helping people as I am.  She also knows Carolyn from RI NOW!  No one out of state understands how small a world Rhode Island is, particularly the world of women's issues and sexuality studies.  My good friends Abigail and Sara are also working in the area at Planned Parenthood and Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence, respectively, and we run in the same circles constantly, because everyone here overlaps in other organizations.

Speaking of overlap in organizations, one of my jobs for both CSPH and RI NOW are to organize student groups at Brown so that they can all receive the same information.  I definitely want an umbrella organization system to happen so that everyone involved in female-positive, sex-positive, queer-positive groups can at least be on the same listserv.  It is absurd how many events one can miss just because they're on the listserv of one group instead of another.  I think increasing communication between the groups is crucial, and I'm more than happy to make this my project for the summer. 

Then there's the bad news.  The bad news is, I didn't do so great on the LSAT.  I'm not super-shocked that I didn't do as well as I'd wanted, but I did nearly 10 points below what I was averaging in practice exams.  I think I need to work on my stamina, and hopefully in September I'll be able to do better.  I need to figure out how to work in 4-hour chunks, though, because the only thing I did "poorly" in my studying was that I'd complete half a test at a time because that's as much time as I had to work with in one block.  I'm a busy chica, and I'd fit my studying around the rest of my schedule.  I guess I'm going to have to sacrifice more weekend time and possibly not sleep as often during the next few months.  It'll be worth it, though, if I can increase my score and get into a decent law program.

I'm bummed, but I meditated a bit and realized that it's not the end of the world (and my score wasn't even that horrific, just wasn't up to my desired par), and that I do have the chance to try again before application season hits.  Maybe I'll just apply to the University of Hawaii and learn the law in beautiful weather.

Take care.

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